Play Makes it Possible

Play Makes it Possible

…To raise money for a good cause.raising-money

…To have breakthrough results with healthy cash flow.

…To exceed goals and deliver on the mission promise.

Executive Directors and Fundraisers desire all of these in non profit organizations. Tools  and tips are plentiful for the ‘how’ to raise the money. Major Gifts, Direct Mail, Special Events and the list goes on; proven techniques that churn on the inside of fundraising shops. One fundraising method that continues to perform, while others may wax and wane, is the charity lottery. Everyone likes to win.

A lottery gives people a chance. A lottery sustains a dream. A lottery can transform the funding model of a non profit organization. Lotteries, mixed with traditional methods of raising money, can bring in essential money to meet the mission.

Who wants to win? Who wants to play?

Is a lottery a way to take your organization from good to great?

Play makes it possible.